Dear Diary...

There seams to be a on going tread on Facebook that I seam to be either missing or not understanding why people to it, as I have never been part of the cool kids crowds that could be why. To me social media platforms are great in so many things, but there is also negative side.. so why to some people treat it as a diary? a place to air all their personal infomation?

I do want to make clear before I go on that everyone can put what they like on their personal Facebook pages. But when you share such personal details in such a open way, it can be really harmful. Not only do I feel its a safety issue, you are inviting people to comment on things that they dont have all the facts on or information.

Everything you put on Facebook, or any social media platform that people see, can comment on, and view, helps them build a picture of what they think you are like as a person. The good, the bad and the ugly.

We all live in two worlds Real Life and Secondlife, and the two worlds can be very different. Secondlife offers you a world where you can be and do anything. An example of this is that there is a huge number of people in Secondlife that have serious health issues which limit what they can do, but in Secondlife they can dance, go out to dinner, even go flying. This is one thing I love about Secondlife, you can be free from your health issues, it can be a escape for so many. Thats a beautiful thing.

Its natural to build relationships with others in Secondlife and on Facebook, and sometimes just like real life it doesnt always work out the way you want, and you get hurt or burnt. I like many have been there before myself and its hurts really badly. It's important to rememeber that you dont have any control over how people act, you only have control over your own behaviour. When this happens I see so many people, air things all over their facebook pages, things that should be dealt with in private. The trouble with airing it all sp publicly, is you, no longer look in many cases look like the person something bad happened too, in some cases you now look as the issue and starting "drama" think of it this way, if you saw someone else post the same thing, what would you think about them?

To me its the same thing as to when people put up posts that are something like " I dont why people dont like me" or " why wont anyone date me? nobody wants me "

I personally think the best way to look at social media sites like Facebook, its like its a interview. You always want to be putting your best foot forward. Keep the private things, private.

I know the world isnt full of rainbows and butterflies, and bad things do happen. But the world isnt against you or anyone else either. We all go through hard times, we all need someone to talk to, this is where your freinds are so amazing. Again it is your choice what you put on facebook, just know your posts may be painting a picture of yourself to other's that you dont like or want.

As Always, Love & Peace xoxo

Chloe Tequila