• Random Thoughts

    This is where I will share things going on in my Secondlife, the ups, the downs, my thoughts, my likes, my dislikes and well, anything else that catches my mind or my eye.


    While I have so much respect for the amount of work that goes into being a blogger, I do not consider myself as one. I choose what I wear based on what I like, or what I thought best suited an idea for the photo I wanted to take.


    The thought's I express here are my own, about what I wear, how I feel, things that have happened, topic's or view points, the good, the bad and sometimes and the ugly. You can always count that it all come out the same blunt way I normally talk.


    You dont have to agree with what I wear, what I write about or what I say, we are blessed to live in a world where we dont all have to like the same things.


    As Always

    Peace & Love xoxo


    Chloe Tequila

    September 17, 2024
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    September 12, 2024
    I am naturally a very curious person. So I like to keep a eye on all the new things coming out,...
    July 29, 2024
    This weekend was a huge one professionally for me and my amazing team. This weekend we turned...
    July 4, 2024
    Difficult, its a word I have heard a few times over the years and the other one I have been told...
    June 18, 2024
    As the Usa heats up, you can notice the change in Sl. While I understand Sl is used by people all...
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    I feel very proud, excited and very nervous to be one Dj at the Hivid Pride Event for 2024, you...
    May 21, 2024
    Building your avatar is such a personal thing I think. It is how you want to be seen by everyone...
    May 18, 2024
    While I know that there is a huge difference between Secondlife & Real Life, I love doing things...
    May 14, 2024
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