Summertime Fun

As the Usa heats up, you can notice the change in Sl. While I understand Sl is used by people all over the world, I met more from the Usa then any other country. It could also just be the circles I mainly travel in.

I, am not from the Usa, So my sl life stays pretty much the same all year around not matter the season.

There is so many amazing fun things around happening this month. It so great to see all the fun event happening and people being in the Summer fun mood, its is all really helping my winter blues.

Thats one thing I love about Sl is you get to met people from all over the world. Livestyles can be so different, but its the everyday things I love learning about. My partner and I are always figuring out fun new things about each other country like even down to what food are called lol while that may sounds silly to some, I love it. Like Bell Peppers.... we dont have them here.... until I figued out thats what we call Capsicums, I have often joked that if I ever had to do a food shop in Usa I would most likely come back with only a half list as I would have no idea what I was looking for.

I hope whatever season you are in you are making the most of this month, if its working on your tan, or hot chocolate curlled up by the fire place with your favourtive person, watching movies, live your own life and be happy.

As Always Peace & Love xoxo