Believe In Yourself

I got news in the last few days that I am so beyond excited about and completely shocked... But let me start at the beginning and explain.

A little while ago I decided to to be brave, I have to be honest being brave does not come naturally to me. I like the idea of being brave but not the practical. But this is something I have been working very hard on over the last coming up two years, its is a road that has been heavily supported by my amazing husband who supports me in being me and doing what makes me happy, I am so grateful to him.

Looking back at how the last nearly 2 years unfolded for me on Sl, I am so grateful to the growth I have had as a person and all the support that I have gotten from everyone.

Part of this journey that lead me a while ago to apply to Dj at the Second Life Birthday this year. I am now so proud and so excited to say that I heard back and was selected to DJ at this amazing event on the Fire Stage in the Adult region. I have been jumping around all excited since having it confirmed.

Being brave is something different to everyone, it could be talking to that cute person you have the hots for, making new friends, trying new things, putting yourself out there, or going after that new job. Be honest about what you want, what will make you happy and what you need to do to get there. Others may always be on your side when it comes to your vision of what will make your happy, but It's your life, be happy.

I would love to meet you all, so if you see me out and about, come and say hi.

As Always Peace & Love

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