I'm Difficult

Difficult, its a word I have heard a few times over the years and the other one I have been told is " I'm alot at times" now before I go on much further, let me make something clear... I have no issues with being difficult or a handfull.

The way I look at this is, there seams to be so many out there that treat other people badly but then when they reacted to the poor treatment, then are often the one getting made out to the one in the wrong. They will tell their story, painting you out to the bad person but leave out the part that what they did for you to react in the first place.

If I'm being really honest, I take being called difficult or a handfull almost like a compliment and I will tell you why. It means I stood up for myself, or someone else that couldnt, its means others don't see me as a push over, its also means I have no issues at all with making someone accountable for their own poor behaviour or actions.

I am not shy, I am blunt, and never will I apologise for that because I also know that I am kind, caring, sweet, funny as fuck (well I think I am lol) and so many other great quailities. The best things about this is I know my friends would agree.

I have come to understand something, those people that may call you "difficult" or a "handfull", aren't your people and you are better off without them in your life. Never let anyone make you feel like you have to change to suit them. Ask yourself honestly, Would they do the same for you? sadly the reply to that, if being honest is normally no. No matter the relationship you have with someone, you deserve respect, and to have people respect your boundies, your not being difficult for that.

I look back on some of my past relationships, not necessarily partnerships, and know I should of stood taller, its something that we all know, but somethings are easier said than done at times. As I have gotten older however this has become easier for me to do. I am grateful to my husband who has helped me learn that being you is the best thing for you and the right people always find you.

As Always Peace & Love xoxo

Chloe Tequila