So Proud

This weekend was a huge one professionally for me and my amazing team. This weekend we turned two years old. Thats two years of hard work and anyone that has worked in a new club, or openned one knows how hard those first two years are.

Over the two years there are been ups and down but I can honestly say I have and am working with the best team I think I have ever worked with. This is something myself and one of the owner wee talking about and feel so blessed to be able to say.

We have also been given the privilege of working with some of the best companies and talented people that support our sim.

I have said it before and will say it again I love working. Even the ups and downs that sometime leave me wanting to pull my hair out at times. I love the success and seeing growth.

Whatever it is for you, do things that your are passionate about. I take my work seriously to be it is a business and work, but it is also fun and something I love doing, and I am also blessed with a husband that supports me in doing so.

As Always Peace & Love xoxo