Paint Me Red!

Ok so I have to confess, I may or may not love to shop..I know I know, shocking, a female that like to shop. I like to feel cute, sexy and I love wearing things that make me happy. Also as odd as this may sound i love to wear things that look comfy, like that old faithful pair of jeans.

The outfit in this photo I personally think is very sexy and its in my favourtive colour.... red.

What you wear should suit your personality, rememeber your not dressing for anyone else but you, well and at times those sexy numbers you wear that get your partner hot under the collar.

While shopping is one of my favourite hobbies in Sl, It is also something I found super confusing when I first joined. Opening things was honestly something that I would only do at home as I was forever attaching things to myself, and would be wearing a box that in return would of taken my shirt off, and make my blush and I would be running home anyway as fast as I could tp home. Being a new person in Sl is rough as it comes with such a big learning curb. This is why I love to help newbies out or others trying to learn something new or upgrade their avatars.

There is still so much I am still learning after being in Sl 4 years and things change so quickly in there, I think you are always learning and that can be exciting but also confusing and frustering at times. Never be afraid to ask for help, but do so with some caution, just like the real world, not all people are as helpful as they seam.

Secondlife is meant to be fun, it gives you freedom to do so many things you may not be able to do in real life, so remeber to paint the town red, or any colour that is your favourtive.

As Always, Peace & Love xoxo