Thank You

I feel very humbled to be writting this. I first started my Flickr nearly two years ago I think. At the time I wasn't in a position where I could grow it. When I first started dating my now husband I started to really explore my photography and my online social media.

As my Flickr grew, and new connections made, it was so exciting to see. Then a few months ago I noticed more and more people having issues with their Flickr, some pro some weren't but all having the same type of issues. Now while my flickr was small compared to alot ( I had about 800 followers and growing steadly) I started to get very conserned about putting alot of effort into growing something that many were losing with little help from Flickr as to why. In many cases I saw they had "fixed" the issues at hand and still were not getting the Flickr back or any support as to know why. All their hard work, some even over, lost.

So I decided to walk aways from Flickr, closed it and started my own website. It gave me the freedom to do things under my own rules, my own way, and with no fear of it being lost any moment without warning.

I have been overwhelmed by the support I have gotten from everyone. I have met lots of new people which I love. This week I hit a new record on how many people have visited my website. When I saw the stats for the week I was shocked, and excited.

Thank you so much for all the support, I am truely grateful.

As Always, Peace & Love

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