What is Real?

As you all know by now I work a fair bit and love to be kept busy. I honestly love working, and I get alot of enjoyment from it. But, I also love nights at home, snuggled up to my husband, watching movies and talking about life. Its so important in life to have the right balance, not only with Real Life and Secondlife but within Secondlife itself. This is for your peace of mind and yourgeneral well being.

The fact is, well how I see it lol, that alot of people see Secondlife in different ways and while Secondlife is not a game, some do "play" it as such, which causes others alot of pain who may see things more at face value. I am one of those people. I like to believe what people tell me and believe that they mean me no harm. Now dont be mistaken I am not a push over, and I can be very blunt and not shy at coming forward if something is not right, I simply like to beleive the things I am told by people I care about and that are meant to care about me.

Almost every day I log into facebook and see posts about new promising relationships which is always so exciting and posts about how a relationship has ended and normally badly. While time in Secondlife moves faster in many ways, It does make me wonder at times why people jump so quick into relationships and saying I love you, sometimes with in days. How well do you really know them. The term love bombing comes to mind with so many, which I think can be a dangerous thing, you get swept away with all the things happen and him/her saying all the right things, then the rug gets pulled from under you and your left spining, thinking.... wtf happened.

I am not perfect, most days very far from it lol, at the moment I am happily married in Secondlife to an amazing man, but that has not always been the case, and I have had my heart broken in the past. It has shown me that you must always be protective of your heart, yes be open to everything that comes your way, but do so with eyes wide open, as what you may think is happening, may not be how the other person is seeing it, despite what they say.

I know this may sound a bit like I'm going back on what I said about, but to be clear, I'm not that you shouldnt trust other's. All I am saying is your heart always wants to believe the good, teh fairy tail, and due to this you over look very clear warning signs and red flags.

Know your worth, dont settle for anyone that after meeting them for day is promsing you the world. Love takes times, yes Sl moves faster than Rl, but to truely know someone takes times. I have currently been with my husband over year and we have been married now coming up 2 months. We still are learning about each other everyday, but there is so many things I love about him, and one of them being how well he knows me, its the little things, anyone can buy you presents, put balloons out on the lawn and say I love you, but ts the little things that my husband does that show me not only how much he understands me but how much he cares, fulls my hearts and makes me so grateful.

The future is always unknown and I dont know what our future holds, but I know in my heart that we have something that has been build with a great foundation, build on honestly, and respect. You have every right to expect the same out of all your relationships.

Sharing the love and As Alawys Peace and Love xoxo

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