What Is Too Much?

As many of you know I started my own website to give me the freedom to more do things on my own terms. Almost daily I see post's on different social media about people have issues with some platform and getting into trouble and many losing their accounts. Firstly many people like myself put so much time and effort into every photo that they take. They spend money on outfits, looking for the right pose, the right backdrop, the right windlights and angles, the list really does go on and on. So if they lose their account over incorrect label or their photos are "too sexy" (when in many cases their naughty bits are fully covered), its so diappointing and hours of work gone.

I personally like to take photos that are fun, sexy, or in some case's show my every day secondlife. While some of my photos are suggestive, Im not one that likes to bare all. I prefer to keep my naughty bits covered and for some parts of my life and body to remain private, but I also believe everyone has a right to chose what they want to do with their own body and images.

The issue I am seeing is in some cases the photos that some platfrom are pulling down or outright cancelling someones account are nothing like the imgaine I have used for this post and what I classed as a normal PG type images, all parts that could be seen as "showing too much" or "barely there" are well covered, so where is the issue? and why are such platform suddenly having such a big deal and so many having issues? How much is too much? do we all suddenly have to be like that episodes of Friends when Joey walks in wearing every bit of clothing that Chandler owns?

It would be easy to say they are after money and want us all to be Pro accounts, but I have seen pro accounts also having issues. so that many not be their main agenda either. Either way, many are going to other platforms or opening their own website to showcase their work, like myself.

I want to end this post by saying that a image is such a personal thing, either for the person that took it or the person it was taken for. Everyone is sexy in their in their own right, and what makes you sexy is being comfy in your own body, and being happy, it really has very little to do with look's itself. Being happy is sexy, living your own life is sexy, being a good person without expecting things in return is sexy, making some laugh and enjoying each other is sexy, I honestly could go on but I think you get the point I'm trying to make.

Be happy, being you, do what makes you happy.

As Always, Peace & Love xoxo