
Building your avatar is such a personal thing I think. It is how you want to be seen by everyone in Secondlife. Its a refection of you and lets be honest normally the first thing people will judge you on, and judgement in SL is very real.

You have every right to build your avatar in a way that makes you , and only you happy (as long as the LL rules are followed etc). You can decide to keep a starter avatar, non human, or not keep up with current treads etc, it is soley your right to do so, and to have your avatar the way you choose too. Do not live your Sl life though someone else's expecations.

I have been told many things over the years about my avatar from many different people, I am thankful that most have been nice and respectful. We are often told when growing up that if you dont have something nice to say, dont say anything at all, yet it seams to be a lesson that some may have forgotten or not been told.

I personally think that unless someone asks you help or advice on their avatar, or you have something nice to say, you should keep your personal thoughts about what they could improve on or change to yourself, and even if they do ask, be tackful, you are still dealing with someones who has feelings and you never know what someone is going through in their life and the fact is words can hurt many people.

I am aware that I have a look that some may not like, or agree with, but I am happy with my avatar. I love to look at new styles, new hair, new skins. new head's that are fovever coming out, but in general I dont change my over all look that much. Not because I cant, simply because I dont want too.

You are the only one that has to love your avatar. Have fun with it, be what you want to be and live your best Secondlife.

As Always Peace & Love

Chloe Tequila xoxo