Social Media

We live in times when Social Media holds so much power. People can be famous for doing nothing and other's write things for the world to see, that hold no facts.

I am a big believer in the power of social media and don’t get me wrong it does so many amazing things. It has found people who have lost their way and have worried loved ones, it finds loves once lost, it helps single mums and dads build businesses to support their kids and it helps people follow their dreams and passion. This is to name just a few, as there is honestly so many. But many people like myself have seen the down side to Social Media...the dark side.

People who normally are so unhappy in their own lives that they misuse Social Media to bully, or harass someone, simply because they didn’t get their own way, or maybe you stood up for yourself, or your doing things that only they can dream of, or let’s fact it, simply because social media asks for no proof in what they are saying is even true. Social Media has given a platform to many of those that misuse it for their own agenda. Maybe the person use to someone you thought was a friend, a ex lover, a ex partner in business or in some cases you have never knew this person, never crossed paths or never had any dealings with them at all. Sadly it could be so many reasons.

While I am not going to stand here and preach for world peace, it would be great but lets face it we are all our own people with our own thoughts, dreams, passion and views. We also are meant to be adults, if you don’t like what someone said on their page, leave or unfriend, or if you feel so strongly block.

I honestly think as people we need to start treating each other with alot more fucken respect. We don’t have to all like each other, or get along, we also don’t have to bully, torment, in some cases out right lie about someone, that is a choice you are making to do and thats a very poor decision on your part if you chose to do that. We all need to stop engaging with people that is showing these types of behavior. Replying to them only give them what they think are grounds and attention which is what they are seeking.

We never should try and dull someone's else light to try and make our own seam brighter.

As I know I have amazing friends who might worry that something has happened to me when they see this post I am great, I am loved by an amazing man, who I adore, I have the best friends any person could ever wish for. I am posting this as this is a issue that effects us all at one time or another and is not ok.

As always Love xoxo

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